Royal Gala

The Popular One

A classic Kiwi favourite and still our best seller, Yummy Royal Gala is a high-colour version of the original Gala strain. Look for bright red stripes, on a white background.

In season

Early February – December

Being our most popular apple, we’ve planted lots of Royal Gala in different orchard locations around the Hawke’s Bay, allowing us to prolong the season!

Apple Origin

Yummy Royal Gala is a high colour strain of the old classic Gala (a cross between Golden Delicious and Kidd’s Orange Red).

Royal Gala became hugely popular in the 1960’s and even more so today!


What’s not to like? Yummy Royal Gala is the whole package: sweet and crisp with a light, juicy flesh!

Where to buy

Look for the purple Yummy Royal Gala sticker at your local

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